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Title Price Category Brand Name Date
Gone to The Dogs N/A Contests-2 07/10/2011
DEADLINE AUGUST 14, 2011 3rd Annual Gone to the Dogs Juried Show Contests, Juried Art Shows - Acrylic, Ceramics, Glass, Mosaic, Illustration, Jewelry, Mixed media, Metalsmithing, Sculpture, Oil, Pastel, Photography, Watercolor - Art Gallery Niza Knoll Gallery is now requesting submissions for the 3rd Annual Gone to the Dogs Juried Show. In previous years, this annual show has taken place in October, but this year the opening has been moved to August, or as some call it, The dog days of summer. Local artists are asked to submit original works in any medium depicting the dog.A more detailed prospectus and entry forms can be found at our website. Each entrant may submit up to 4 entries at $10 per entry. All entries must be submitted in person at the gallery. Images of artwork, submitted in any format, will not be accepted. Jury members for this years show are yet to be determined. Awards will be given for selected categories at the discretion of the Gallery owner. Open Press, 40 West Bayaud Ave. , Denver, Colorado, 80223, United States

Price Is: Non-Negotiable  
Shipping Type: U.S. Mail

Contact Seller: ArtTutorials
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