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Classified Ads Details

Ad Views 507
Title Price Category Brand Name Date
The Simplest Fort $1.99 Non-Fiction-38 05/06/2013
, Non-Fiction-38A step by step instruction on building your very own fort for your backyard.

Build your own fort:

Some of us are not as creative or skilled enough to design our own forts. This instructional document is to help the novice or semi-experienced carpenter to create their own fort for their children or even pets.

This fort was specifically designed in a certain manner. The picture on the front cover is the actual fort that was built for this plan. Some modifications were made to simplify this plan for the novice.

These instructions are a guide to build a six foot square fort that is roughly ten feet tall. It has a ladder leading into a two foot porch area and a four by six foot housing area. The housing area is four feet from the ground and the roof is four feet from the deck. The underground area is four feet from ground.

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Price Is: Non-Negotiable  
Shipping Type: U.S. Mail

Contact Seller: Kadic
 [ See My Profile ]
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